Get going with  !

Andrews University uses G Suite for Education (formerly Google Apps for Education) to provide email and other familiar Google apps to Andrews University alumni.  GET STARTED NOW!:


    If you haven't done so, reactivate your Andrews username!
            If you forgot your password, reset it here.

    Go to:

    Sign-in with your Andrews email address and password.

    Setup your new AU Gmail mailbox

University policies apply to these services. Google upholds a strict privacy policy. You will need to accept Google's privacy policy the first time you log into AU Google Apps. Please note that in collaborative spaces within AU Google Apps, your name and email address is visible to others. For example, when using Google Docs, all users who can access a shared document can see the names and email addresses of any other persons sharing that same document.

Google's Privacy Privacy
Google's Terms of Service

Gmail Tech Help 

Getting Started with Gmail Connect Your Computer to AU Gmail
Connect Smartphones & Tablets to AU Gmail NEW Forward my Andrews email to another email account

To learn more about Google Apps visit the G Suite Learning Center which contains links to numerous helpful resources for new users, including training videos.

For questions regarding this transition or additional techncial help, email the Technology Helpdesk at or call the Computer Support Line at 269-471-6016.

Additional Links

G Suite Support Site
G Suite Status Dashboard
G Suite for Education
Office of Alumni Services / myAU&ME

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are an alumnus of Andrews University you no longer need to use SquirrelMail.
Google Apps for Education gives you a professional-grade Google account which includes:
  • Classroom, an app that is availble only with Google Apps for Education
  • Professional email at Andrews University's domain (eg: instead of
  • Shared access to Drive, Calendars, Docs and more
  • Additional storage across Gmail and Drive
  • No advertising
  • 99.9% guaranteed uptime
  • Enhanced security features 
Make sure your Andrews email is forwarded to the correct email system.
  1. Go to Vault at
  2. Sign into  My Account
  3. Select Manage E-mail Forwarding
  4. Enter your Andrews email address (For example:
  5. Select Submit.  Email will now flow to your AU Gmail.
Your AU Google Apps account is totally separate from your personal Gmail/Google account, so nothing will change about your personal Google account. You will not be able to integrate these two accounts at this time.
No. Just check the "Spam" folder like you would any Gmail account. AU Gmail uses Google's leading spam-fighting feature which uses a number of advanced Google technologies. Though in many cases, the best anti-spam weapon is you.
If you see any legitimate messages from a listserv list or email address delivered to your Spam folder in Gmail, you can create a filter to ensure that no is sent to your Spam folder.
  1. Select the "gear" in the upper right and click Settings
  2. Select the Filters settings from the menu at the top
  3. Select Create a new filter at the bottom of the page
  4. Enter in From and click Create filter with this search
  5. Select Never send it to Spam
  6. Select Also apply filter to matching conversations
  7. Select Create filter
  8. A message will appear that says “Your filter was created.”

Note: Illegitimate email messages will still be filtered by Andrews email filters, so you should not see an increase in unsolicited email delivered to your Inbox.

Yes. Email is owned by Andrews University and not Google. Google is the service provider. For more information about Google's privacy policy, visit:
It is at the discretion of the each user to decide whether or not they would like to use their AU Gmail account or opt to forward email to an external account at their own risk.
As of June 24, 2018, email forwarding functions may be done by signing into your AU Gmail account and following the steps outlined in Google's Gmail Help:  Turn automatic forwarding on or off.

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